Aromatherapy Help for Hay Fever

Hello and welcome to part 2 of Help for Hay Fever. Part 1 was all about how homeopathy can help and in case you missed it you can catch up here. Is anyone going to Glastonbury Festival this month? Come and find me in the Healing Fields; I'm working with the Travelling Homeopaths Collective treating people with acute illnesses (including hay fever). I am seeing lots of patients suffering from this affliction right now, even my dog has it! Happily, I have been treating him homeopathically and he is now much more comfortable.
So how can aromatherapy help you feel better?
In general, the oils which help alleviate cold symptoms - especially Lavender and Eucalyptus are beneficial for hay fever, as are those oils helpful for allergies and my favourites are Melissa and Camomile.
Make sure you dilute any essential oils that are going on your skin and you might need to experiment with the oils because different ones suit different people. If you need help getting the dilution right and want to check which oils are most suitable for you, come and see me or zoom in for an aromatherapy consultation and I can make you a bespoke blend.
Try a Eucalyptus or Lavender inhalation for sneezing and a runny nose. You can either do a steam inhalation but this can make some people feel worse so if that's you, you could put a couple of drops on your hankie and inhale throughout the day when you feel the need. Or, you could treat yourself to one of my hand-poured Hestia's Flame Natural Candles. Lavender & Chamomile or Thyme, Eucalyptus & Lavender would be my top pick for hay fever sufferers.
Think about your diet. Dairy products and refined starches which tend to increase the production of mucus should be kept to a minimum.
For sore, red eyes a cool compress of rosewater or a camomile infusion is very soothing.
Aromatherapy massage will help as the oils absorb into the bloodstream and decrease the severity of an allergic response.
An aromatherapy facial is blissful, cleansing the skin of allergy-inducing pollen, massage with anti-allergy oils and soothing irritation with effective and organic skin-caring products.
Need some essential oils? I stock these organic ones.
Want to book a consultation or treatment? I am now practicing at my home treatment room, Village Hair & Beauty in North Chailey and at Vinings Natural Health Centre in Haywards Heath. Click here to book.
Go here for your aromatherapy candles.
Look after yourself,
Sophia x
Sophia Russell MFHT
Clinical Aromatherapist
Reiki Master and Teacher
M Technique Practitioner
Weleda Wellbeing Advisor